Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.
You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you."
2 Chronicles 20:15 & 17
You can Overcome your Giants!
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Whether it's through a teaching, a book, the monthly newsletter, or a podcast, my goal is not simply to impart knowledge, my hope for each of you is that you have the tools and guidance necessary to grow deeper to God and others.

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A View From the Porch
Overcoming our Giants
Are you facing difficult circumstances?
Do you feel like life has thrown the heaviest challenges your way?
Are you staring into the face of a giant?
In A View from the Porch: Overcoming Our Giants, author Deb Weisen shares life-changing stories of hope and encouragement that bring insight and revelation into whatever struggle or hardship you may be experiencing. Without whitewashing the truth or pretending that suffering isn’t real, Weisen explores how you can change your entire view of life by refocusing your eyes on Christ. After finding herself stuck on the porch of despair, Weisen learned to “look up,” and through each chapter of spiritual truth, she will inspire you to do the same.

SYMBIS - Saving Your Marriage Before It Begins is an assessment that marriage coaches and facilitators use to help couples thrive even before the wedding. It can also be used for couples who want to increase communication and work through issues. Deb is a certified facilitator and has had great success with pre-marital counseling as well as crisis care for couples.
Deb and her husband are available to lead marriage retreats or weekend marriage-focused events. Whether you are planning a wedding or have been married many years SYMBIS is beneficial for every couple.
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